Dr. R. S. Sengar and Dr. Krishanu



Baron deficiency shows yellowing in younger leaves, stunting, discoloration, death of growing tip and floral abortion, Stems may develop hallow roughened or cracked. Cracking and dropping is observed in fruits and nuts.



Sulphur deficiency exhibits generally yellowing of the younger leaves, in some cases leaves shown necrotic margins, delayed maturity and defoliation.


Manganese deficiency symptoms are exhibited by the mature leaves and they develop pale yellow patches along the margins of the leaves. These extend towards the midrib resulting in intervenal dermis.


Calcium deficiency appears first in young leaves Calcium deficiency shows brown to black color, chlorosis and necrosis of new growing tips and leaf edges Callum deficiency can cause uvere reduction in new growth and also results in abortion of flower bud and improper formation of fruits.



Iron deficiency observed in younger leaves showing uniform light green chlorosis and older leaves remain unaffected. Leaves are smaller than normal and interveinal chlorotic motting of immature leaves.


Zinc deficiency first shows intervenal chorosis in young and mid shoot leaves starting at leaf to and margins, eventually affecting at growing points of the plant. Zinc deficiency ales includes short internodal tolerance arid lesser gram weight.


Magnesium deficiency symptom starts from the margin and then inwards. The leaf midrib and veins remains green while leaf margins are yellow or whitish Chiarotic intervenal yellow patches can occur on leaves.


Molybdenum deficiency first appears In older and middle-aged leaves and then appear in the younger leaves, leaf margins shows Scotching and strapping. New leaves may twisted, caped and thickend.



Copper deficiency cause on top leaves, the plants initially going to wit followed by chlorotic and necrotic areas on leaves and apical meristem, Copper deficiency cause irregular growth and pale green leaves that wither at leaf margins with unusual award cutting.


The deficiency symptom which usually begins with the scorching at tip of the leaves and this progressively extend along the margin wading to the typical marginal scortching which is a characteristic symptom of potassium deficiency.


The Deficiency of phosphorus in plants shows stunted growth and in mature leaves shows a characteristic purplish or bluish green coloration. Mature leaves lose their glossiness and appear dull.



Nitrogen deficiency resembles as generalized yellowing of older leaves and overall growth of the plant can be retarded.

लेखकः डॉ0 आर. एस. सेंगर, निदेशक ट्रेनिंग और प्लेसमेंट, सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल   कृषि एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय मेरठ।